The Dahlia Collection
We have selected twenty six dahlias that we know are easy to grow and flower magnificently. Included are the fascinating forms of the immaculate tiny Pom Poms, the simple Anemone and the wild quill like Cactus flowers.
Not to forget the perfect Decorative and the back of the border giant “dinner plate“ in sizes that amaze, and as I stand to admire them I ask myself each year “ why did I not plant more”? Our super-size tubers are here and we will dispatch, wrapped in linen bags within water proof packing, from the third week of February.
TIPS for Growing and Storing Dahlias
Dahlia tubers may be potted on from April and left in a light and warm space till transplanted as the new leaves appear in late June. Hopefully the frosts will have ended, but if a late frost is forecast just cover with frost proof cloth.
Pot up in well drained peat free compost, water, then leave, for too much water will cause the tuber to rot.
Once a number of leaves begin to appear on the tuber pinch out all but say 4 groups of leaves this will leave four strong stems to grow.
Plant out in a sunny position in well-drained soil, placing the tuber “eyes up” just under the ground where some gravel placed at the bottom of the hole can assist with drainage if the soil has too much clay.
Stake the plants immediately, as they grow quickly and can be damaged by wind and heavy rain
Water during dry spells.
After the first frosts the Dahlias will become dark brown. Leave the frosted Dahlias in situ for around a week or two. Do not leave the plants too long as they must not freeze.
I like to cut back the frosted foliage leaving just a short 4” stem.
Once the tubers are dug up, leave the soil to dry. When dry shake off and dust off any clogged soil between the tubers then store in open crates so the air may circulate
Dahlias are quite delicate and do not like to be stacked together as if they are too close, they can absorb moisture and rot can occur.
To protect the Dahlia, place them in sawdust or wrap in newspaper. Store away from the light in a dry space that does not fall below 40/50 degrees.
As climate change is giving us warmer winters many people advocate leaving the Dahlias in situ and cover generously with compost.
I tried this and lost nearly all my dahlia collection, so I do not recommend. Also do not store in an unheated glasshouse as the cold from frost will kill the tuber.