Under The Vines, ‘Give me your Hand’

Music under the Vines: ‘Give me your Hand’
Sunday 19th October, 12 noon to 3pm
In the Greenhouse
Eloise Irvine transfers the ravishing music of the traditional Gaelic harp to a modern electronic harp whilst her esquisite voice performs a programme
of songs and music composed for this the most etherial of instruments.
Many will have heard Eloise as lead singer and harpist of the Armonico Consort with Oz Clark during West Green House Opera seasons in both ‘23
and’ 24.
The Green House is now colour decked in late Autumn leaves so a delicious waming lunch prepared by our chefs will be most welcome.
Includes: Visit the garden if you wish. 12 noon the Greenhouse opens for arrival with a welcome glass of ‘Bubbles’.
12.45 lunch
2pm concert
Wines are available for purchase.
01252 844611